The second in a five-part audio journey of exploration into what Christians believe as laid out so well by C.S. Lewis in a portion of his book, Mere Christianity. Together, these five segments walk us along a footpath of unerring logic, each segment building on the previous and culminating in what Lewis referred to as The Practical Conclusion. In “The Invasion” we find Lewis taking us from rival notions of God to the dramatic entrance of God himself entering into human history as a man walking among us.
Mere Christianity: Listen in on a five part series taken from this classic work by C. S. Lewis
A five-part audio journey of exploration into what Christians believe as laid out so well by C.S. Lewis in a portion of his book, Mere Christianity. Together, these five segments walk us along a footpath of unerring logic, each segment building on the previous and culminating in what Lewis referred to as The Practical Conclusion.