As is often (make that always) the case when I’m producing one of Michael Phillips’ episodes from his excellent book, The Commands, I find myself challenged to look at familiar portions of the gospel in quite a different light. Today’s episode, especially so.
Christians traditionally regard Christ’s physical crucifixion as the pinnacle of our Lord’s earthly ministry. Viewed through a spiritual prism, however, his death on the cross might be considered the wondrous after-effect of an even more grand and monumental event that took place in the garden of Gethsemane: a choice of whose will was to rule his life. A choice that we are challenged to replicate every moment of our own lives if we are to follow him.
Yes, putting God’s will first is and should be a daily walk in humility. I am thankful that Jesus was able to go ahead and submit to death, but death could not hold Him, and I am most thankful that He rose from the grave and is alive today.