We’ve now arrived at the fifth and final episode of our five-part journey of exploration into what Christians believe as laid out so well by C.S. Lewis in a portion of his book, Mere Christianity. Together, these five segments have taken us along a footpath of unerring logic, each segment building on the previous and culminating in this final episode.
What you are about to hear in The Practical Conclusion picks up where Episode 4 left off. In it, the flawless logic of C.S. Lewis leads us to an inescapable and haunting conclusion, one that is impossible to shake off and dismiss.
Thank you Michael. Very nice.
Michael — thank you so much for all your efforts to produce these fine podcasts for all of us. I know how much time and work goes into it and I want you to know that it is indeed a blessing. And more importantly, your faithfulness to the task makes Dad smile 🙂 <3 xxoo
Thank you my Sheila. It’s such a joy to share with everyone what a magnificent Father God is. Beyond our wildest imaginings!